Laser Dentistry
At Hall Dental in Lethbridge, we've incorporated laser dentistry into some of our everyday procedures.
What is a laser procedure?
Did you know that LASER stands for Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation? Simply put, it's a single wavelength beam of highly concentrated light energy. And it's being used in many medical and surgical procedures, including dentistry!
How are lasers used in dentistry?
Here are some of the ways that lasers can be used as part of your dental treatment plan:
Reshaping Soft Tissue – lasers can dissolve soft tissue to expose more of the natural tooth (crown lengthening), reshape soft tissue to decrease 'gummy smiles', and remove uncomfortable soft tissue folds caused by denture wear.
Frenectomy – lasers can improve the speech and ability to eat in babies, children and adults by untying the tongue.
Tumour Removal – when benign tumours have formed in the soft tissue areas of the mouth, we can use laser treatment to remove them.
Teeth Whitening – lasers can be used to speed up the teeth whitening process by increasing the activity of the particles in the peroxide bleaching solution.
Biopsy – lasers can be used to perform biopsies.